
A V8 snapshot is a way to speed up the startup time of JavaScript applications built with the V8 JavaScript engine, which powers Chrome, Node.js, and many other popular platforms. Think of it like pre-cooking a meal so you don't have to start from scratch when you're hungry.

How Snapshot Works

  1. Creating the Snapshot: During development or deployment, you can take a snapshot of the V8 heap, which is where JavaScript objects and data are stored in memory. This snapshot captures the initial state of your application, including all the built-in JavaScript functions and any custom code you've written.

  2. Embedding the Snapshot: When you launch your application, the V8 engine can load the pre-made snapshot instead of having to compile and execute all the JavaScript code from scratch. This significantly reduces the startup time, making your application launch faster and feel more responsive.


  • Faster Startup Times: This is the primary benefit, as applications can launch in milliseconds instead of seconds.

  • Reduced Memory Usage: Snapshots can sometimes be smaller than the equivalent compiled code, leading to lower memory usage.

  • Improved Security: Snapshots can help mitigate certain security vulnerabilities by making it harder to inject malicious code.


  • Node.js mode not supported: Snapshot is only available in the V8 mode. There are some technical difficulties to be resolved in the Node.js mode.

  • Dynamic code updates not possible: Once a snapshot is created, it's static and cannot be updated with new code without creating a new snapshot.

  • V8 version dependent: The snapshot created from a particular version of V8 only works in that version of V8. If you want to support a new version of V8, you will have to create a new snapshot in that new version of V8.

How to Create a Snapshot

Create a Snapshot in Javet

It's simple to create a snapshot or provide an existing snapshot in Javet via the V8RuntimeOptions.

  • setCreateSnapshotEnabled(boolean): Enable or disable the snapshot creation.

  • setSnapshotBlob(byte[]): Provide an existing snapshot blob.

V8RuntimeOptions options = new V8RuntimeOptions();
// Set create snapshot enabled.
byte[] snapshotBlob1;
byte[] snapshotBlob2;
try (V8Runtime v8Runtime = v8Host.createV8Runtime(options)) {
    // Prepare function add.
    v8Runtime.getExecutor("const add = (a, b) => a + b;").executeVoid();
    assertEquals(3, v8Runtime.getExecutor("add(1, 2)").executeInteger());
    // Create a snapshot with function add.
    snapshotBlob1 = v8Runtime.createSnapshot();
    assertTrue(snapshotBlob1.length > 0);
    // Test the runtime is still usable after the snapshot is created.
    assertEquals(3, v8Runtime.getExecutor("add(1, 2)").executeInteger());
// Set the snapshot blob.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    // Create a new V8 runtime with the snapshot 5 times.
    try (V8Runtime v8Runtime = v8Host.createV8Runtime(options)) {
        // Test the function add.
        assertEquals(3, v8Runtime.getExecutor("add(1, 2)").executeInteger());
// Create a new V8 runtime with the snapshot.
try (V8Runtime v8Runtime = v8Host.createV8Runtime(options)) {
    // Test the function add.
    assertEquals(3, v8Runtime.getExecutor("add(1, 2)").executeInteger());
    // Prepare function subtract.
    v8Runtime.getExecutor("const subtract = (a, b) => a - b;").executeVoid();
    // Create a new snapshot with function add and subtract.
    snapshotBlob2 = v8Runtime.createSnapshot();
    assertTrue(snapshotBlob2.length > 0);
// Set the new snapshot blob.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    // Create a new V8 runtime with the snapshot 5 times.
    try (V8Runtime v8Runtime = v8Host.createV8Runtime(options)) {
        // Test the function add and subtract.
        assertEquals(3, v8Runtime.getExecutor("add(1, 2)").executeInteger());
        assertEquals(1, v8Runtime.getExecutor("subtract(3, 2)").executeInteger());


  • Both setCreateSnapshotEnabled() and setSnapshotBlob() can be used together so that you may create a V8 runtime by an existing snapshot, then create a new snapshot from that V8 runtime.

Create a Snapshot via mksnapshot

mksnapshot is a powerful tool in the V8 development toolkit. If you are able to build mksnapshot, you may use it to create snapshots. Its usage is as follows:

Usage: mksnapshot [--startup-src=file] [--startup-blob=file] [--embedded-src=file]
  [--embedded-variant=label] [--static-roots-src=file] [--target-arch=arch]
  [--target-os=os] [extras]

Let's take a try.

  • Create test.js with a simple function that adds the 2 arguments as follows.

const add = (a, b) => a + b;
  • Execute the following command.

mksnapshot.exe --startup-src=startup.cpp --startup-blob=startup.blob --embedded-src=embedded.js test.js
  • The following 3 files will be generated.

5.1M embedded.js    // Embedded blob with assembly directives
298K startup.blob   // The blob that can be used in Javet
745K startup.cpp    // The CPP file that can be built in a CPP application
  28 test.js
  • Read startup.blob to a byte[] and follow the previous section.