Hello Javet¶
Print Hello Javet in V8 Mode¶
// Step 1: Create a V8 runtime from V8 host in try-with-resource.
try (V8Runtime v8Runtime = V8Host.getV8Instance().createV8Runtime()) {
// Step 2: Execute a string as JavaScript code and print the result to console.
System.out.println(v8Runtime.getExecutor("'Hello Javet'").executeString()); // Hello Javet
// Step 3: Resource is recycled automatically at the end of the try-with-resource block.
Print 1 + 1 in Node.js Mode¶
// Step 1: Create a Node runtime from V8 host in try-with-resource.
try (NodeRuntime nodeRuntime = V8Host.getNodeInstance().createV8Runtime()) {
// Step 2: Execute a string as JavaScript code and print the result to console.
System.out.println("1 + 1 = " + nodeRuntime.getExecutor("1 + 1").executeInteger()); // 2
// Step 3: Resource is recycled automatically at the end of the try-with-resource block.
Please refer to the source code for more detail.