Object Converter¶
All Javet API allows inputting and outputting Java objects instead of V8Value
so that the coding experience is close to the other JavaScript binding API. Behind the scenes, there is an object converter doing the bi-directionally object conversion. Here are a few examples.
// Create a string array in JVM.
String[] stringArray = new String[]{"a", "b", "c"};
// Bind that string array to a JavaScript variable x.
v8Runtime.getGlobalObject().set("x", stringArray);
// Print the JSON representation of the JavaScript variable x.
// Output: ["a","b","c"]
// Create a string array in V8.
v8Runtime.getExecutor("const y = ['a', 'b', 'c'];").executeVoid();
// Get that string array.
List<String> stringList = v8Runtime.getExecutor("y;").executeObject();
// Assert the returned string list.
System.out.println(Arrays.equals(stringArray, stringList.toArray(new String[0])));
// Output: true
// Create a string list.
List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>();
// Bind that string list to a JavaScript variable x.
v8Runtime.getGlobalObject().set("x", stringList);
// Print the JSON representation of the JavaScript variable x.
// Output: ["a","b","c"]
// Create a map in JVM.
Map<String, Object> mapX = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
put("a", 1);
put("b", true);
put("c", "s");
// Bind that map to a JavaScript variable x.
v8Runtime.getGlobalObject().set("x", mapX);
// Print the JSON representation of the JavaScript variable x.
// Output: {"a":1,"b":true,"c":"s"}
// Create an object in V8.
v8Runtime.getExecutor("const y = {'a': 1, 'b': true, 'c': 's'};").executeVoid();
// Get that string array.
Map<String, Object> mapY = v8Runtime.getExecutor("y;").executeObject();
// Assert the returned map.
// Output: true
Please refer to source code for details.