Release Notes 3.1.x

3.1.4 V8 v12.7

  • Upgraded Node.js to v20.15.1 (2024-07-08)

  • Upgraded V8 to v12.7.224.16 (2024-07-15)

  • Rewrote getV8HeapStatistics(), getV8HeapSpaceStatistics() for V8Runtime to remediate the race condition and fixed possible memory leak

  • Added observerTimeoutMillis to JavetEngineConfig

  • Added V8StatisticsFuture

  • Added isStopping(), setStopping() to NodeRuntime

  • Removed idleNotificationDeadline() from V8Runtime

  • Removed --track-retaining-path from V8Flags

3.1.3 V8 v12.6

  • Upgraded Node.js to v20.14.0 (2024-06-28)

  • Upgraded V8 to v12.6.228.13 (2024-06-06)

  • Upgraded Visual Studio 2022 to v17.10.1

  • Rewrote toString() for V8ValueBigInteger, V8ValueInteger, V8ValueLong and V8ValueDouble

  • Added getPrototypeOf() to support instanceof for proxy converter

  • Added getPrototypeOf(), setPrototypeOf(), create(), seal() to V8ValueBuiltInObject

  • Added JavetProxyPrototypeStore

  • Added getPrototypeOf() to IJavetDirectProxyHandler and JavetDirectProxyObjectHandler

  • Added getGuard() to V8Runtime

  • Added isSealed(), isFrozen() to V8ValueObject

  • Added sealedEnabled to JavetConverterConfig

  • Updated JavetObjectConverter to convert sealed array to Object[] instead of List<Object>

  • Replaced JavetEngineGuard with V8Guard

  • Removed executorService, engineGuardCheckIntervalMillis from JavetEngineConfig

  • Patched V8 Check failed: !IsFreeSpaceOrFillerMap(map)

3.1.2 V8 v12.5

  • Upgraded Node.js to v20.13.1 (2024-05-09)

  • Upgraded V8 to v12.5.227.6 (2024-04-26)

  • Upgraded Visual Studio 2022 to v17.9.6

  • Added V8AwaitMode.RunNoWait

  • Fixed unexpected behavior of V8AwaitMode.RunOnce

  • Enabled __dirname, __filename, require root injection for Node.js Android

3.1.1 V8 v12.4

  • Upgraded Node.js to v20.12.2 (2024-04-10)

  • Upgraded V8 to v12.4.254.9 (2024-04-04)

  • Updated Node.js to new process initialization and teardown functions

  • Added crypto initialization to Node.js

  • Removed isPurgeEventLoopBeforeClose(), setPurgeEventLoopBeforeClose() from NodeRuntime

3.1.0 V8 v12.3

  • Upgraded V8 to v12.3.219.10 (2024-03-11)

  • Upgraded Visual Studio 2022 to v17.9.3

  • Added support for Android Node.js mode

  • Added default to built-in Node.js modules for ESM

  • Fixed inspector locking issue

  • Added IV8Module.getIdentityHash()

  • Revised IV8Module.getNamespace(), IV8Module.getScriptId(), IV8Module.getResourceName(), IV8Script.getResourceName()

  • Removed IV8Module.setResourceName(), IV8Script.setResourceName()